Selected Publications
- Pilot study of telehealth delivery of horticultural therapy (TeleHT) as an acceptable intervention and in reducing suicide risk factors in veterans. Anne Meore, Nithya Ganesh, Shengnan Sun, Akiva Singer, Lauren Byma, Brooke Lorenzetti, Ann Feder, Toby Adams, Hanga Galfalvy, James Boyer, Fatemeh Haghighi. Complementary Therapies in Medicine
- Brain and blood transcriptome profiles delineate common genetic pathways across suicidal ideation and suicide. Shengnan Sun, Qingkun Liu, Zhaoyu Wang, Yung Yu Huang, M. Elizabeth Sublette, Andrew J. Dwork, Gorazd Rosoklija, Yongchao Ge, Hanga Galfalvy, J. John Mann, Fatemeh Haghighi. Molecular Psychiatry
- Association of Blast Exposure in Military Breaching with Intestinal Permeability Blood Biomarkers Associated with Leaky Gut. Qingkun Liu, Zhaoyu Wang, Shengnan Sun, Jeffrey Nemes, Lisa A. Brenner, Andrew Hoisington, Maciej Skotak, Christina R. LaValle, Yongchao Ge, Walter Carr, Fatemeh Haghighi. International Journal of Molecular Sciences